
“Walking through landscapes provides me with a rich source of inspiration.”

A colourist at heart…

I am at heart a colourist and am constantly involved in exploring tonal relationships, particularly when painting water and sky. I paint intuitively, with a restricted palette, working with both hands. Often a sense of an elevated viewpoint is present, as if from flight, and horizons come and go, vanishing into unending distance, with a suggestion of the ethereal, the mystical.

I use oil paint in a very diluted form to keep it translucent, and love palette knives and large brushes, scraping off and re-applying the paint to build up texture. In some of the paintings I add long strips of torn up scrim to the canvas which I mould to the compositional landscape. Recently I have also done a series of ink on paper, from sketches done whilst out walking.

Born in 1952, Kathy Ramsay Carr spent most of her childhood in British Columbia. She trained at Bath Academy of Art, Corsham, before traveling to Mexico where she lived and worked for many years as head of Design in the National University of Mexico. She returned to the UK in the mid eighties and has been painting since.

My Studio

I have been working in this 24′ space for the last 15 years and many small and large works have been created there. It is a room I share with my dog and cat who come and go as they please, but are happy to settle down amongst the smell of turps and oil paint.

Surrounded by fields with a view of Dartmoor beyond, and the Blackdown hills behind, I am provided with a rich source of inspiration. Walking in these places gives me so much visual material to draw from, as well as the North and South Devon coasts which I visit frequently in all weathers. One of my favourite haunts, between Zennor and Pendeen in West Cornwall, has influenced many paintings during these years.

I welcome visitors to the studio by appointment and to see my collection of studio works, all of which are for sale on request.

Art for you

Over the course of the last few years I have been involved in many projects with different clients, private and corporate, to produce artworks that are part of an interior design, using fabric samples to match exact tones, colours and textures.

I include some image details here. I recently worked on a painting which incorporated scrim as background texture on the canvas, with oil colour applied to its surface

Corporate Clients


For those who love to design a room – I love creating artworks from swatches of colour